Simple Rolling Press Kit

Basic Information

  • Developer
  • Version
  • Main Genre:
  • Sub-Genre
  • Platforms
  • Release Date
  • Development Progress


Operate the ball to the end!

The game has been updated to version 1.2.1  and is also available on Steam.

Microsoft Office TranslatorThe NovaPress test has begun.

Detail information

Microsoft Office TranslatorThe original game [Ball of Toy] has been renamed [Simple Rolling]

Personal development game. The game has been developed and is about to begin public testing.

How to play: Manipulate the ball to the finish line and don't fall down. You'll meet blockers and traps on the way, find switches and supplies, and move on!

The game is developed using the UE4 engine, and the game operation is based on real-time physics simulation and physical destruction effects.

Microsoft Office TranslatorThe game has been updated to version1.2. Custom levels have been added in the new version.Is it too hard to bring your own level ? Or not enough to play ? You can now customize your level as you like.

Image titleImage title

Microsoft Office Translator

Version 1.2 of the game consists of two modes - Level Mode and Creative Mode.


The level mode consists of 4scenes, atotal of 16 levels, each level has atrophy,all 16 levels are challenged and 16 trophies can unlock the 17th bonus level.The level mode has more than ten kinds of mechanics and timing functions, which can challenge you to clear the fastest level.

Creative Mode:

Creative mode has 24 map archive fields (more can be updated in the future). There are atotal of 4scenes to choose from (more can be updated later), you can customize the map name,and there are atotal of 150+ object mechanisms in 6categories to choose from.You can add, remove,save,or share maps at will.At thesame time, you canalso play with maps youcreated, which also have a timing function.

How to share a map: Just copy someone else's save mapfile to your ownsave game directory.

Archive file directory: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\SimpleRolling\Saved\SaveGames\all-maps.sav

The game demo version is now available and contains 1/4 of the full version.

Download and unzip to play the demo version for free forever. (Download address updated)

Extraction code:fm63

Game Videos

Game Video
Playable video
Level mode show
Creation mode show

Game Screenshots


Store Links


For game page, please visit here. Generated by indienova.
Inspired by presskit() by Rami Ismail(Vlambeer)