GunFu Fighter

GunFu Fighter

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Platforms: Windows / Mac / Linux

The first person shooter game with bullet time twist! Using the bullet time effect, the geometric distribution position of the enemy is analyzed and prejudged, and the order of planned attacks gives the opponent a fatal blow.

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  • The first person shooter game with bullet time twist
  • the movie-like fight scene
  • minimalist style of painting


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Gun Fu is a lost ancient skill.The master of Gun Fu can control the surrounding time and let it flow slowly.Using the bullet time effect, the geometric distribution position of the enemy is analyzed and prejudged, and the order of planned attacks gives the opponent a fatal blow.

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The bullets are limited. You must use the interactive environment to kill the most threatening enemy, and this is the key to victory.

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Additional challenge tasks:

1. Use only bullets to kill all enemies.
2. Kill all enemies by any means other than bullets.
3. Don't kill any enemy.

I hope to be able to reproduce the movie-like fight scene under the minimalist style of painting, thank you for playing my game.

NovaPress Reviews




Awesome. Well done.

Better than I espected, partner.


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