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281334055 commented on game: 超级机器人大战 30 - Super Robot Wars 30 2022-08-28

281334055 contributed to game: Super Kirby Clash(超级卡比猎人队) with:别名 2020-02-02

281334055 has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-02-01

281334055 commented on game: 漫威:终极同盟 3 黑暗教团 - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order 2019-08-22

281334055 made contribution for Epic Boss Fighter 2, made contribution for Epic Boss Fighter 2 2019-02-12

281334055 made contribution for Swords and Souls, made contribution for Swords and Souls, made contribution for Swords and Souls, made contribution for Swords and Souls, made contribution for Epic Boss Fighter 2 2019-02-12

281334055 contributed to game: Epic Boss Fighter 2 with:封面图片 2019-02-12

281334055 made a short review on game: Swords and Souls 2019-02-12

281334055 made a short review on game: Epic Boss Fighter 2 2019-02-12

281334055 commented on game: Epic Boss Fighter 2 2019-02-12

281334055 contributed to game: Delicious - Emily's Message in a Bottle(美味餐厅:艾米丽的瓶中信) with:别名 2019-02-05

281334055 made contribution for Delicious: Emilys Christmas Carol(美味餐厅), made contribution for Marvel Future Fight, made contribution for Hearthstone(炉石传说) 2019-02-05

281334055 has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Delicious - Emily's Miracle of Life(美味餐厅:艾米丽的生命奇迹) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Pokémon Moon(精灵宝可梦:月亮) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Braid(时空幻境) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Fire Emblem Warriors(火焰纹章无双) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Warriors Orochi 4(无双大蛇 3) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!(精灵宝可梦 Let's Go!伊布) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Definitive Edition(真・三国无双 7:超级传奇 最终版) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Diablo III: Eternal Collection(暗黑破坏神 III:永恒之战版) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Gorogoa(画中世界) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Marvel Future Fight 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Marvel Heroes Omega 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Love Live! School idol festival(LoveLive!学园偶像祭) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe(新超级马里奥兄弟 U 豪华版) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Hearthstone(炉石传说) 2019-02-05

281334055 made a short review on game: Cadria Item Shop(卡德里亚道具屋) 2019-02-05