No personal information provided
SpellDog updated the game: Ghost Escapist - 时间囚徒: detailed information 2022-02-10
SpellDog has upgraded to grade: 5 2022-01-28
SpellDog released a new game: Ghost Escpist - 时间囚徒 2022-01-28
SpellDog updated the game: 溺雨的鱼: demos 2021-12-19
SpellDog updated the game: 躲猫猫。: detailed information 2021-12-19
SpellDog has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-12-11
SpellDog updated the game: 躲猫猫。: detailed information 2021-07-08
SpellDog released a new game: 屑设计师把按钮叠在一起! 2021-07-07
SpellDog has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-02-02
SpellDog updated the game: 缝补已晚: contacts 2021-02-02
SpellDog updated the game: 缝补已晚: detailed information 2020-06-12
SpellDog achieved: Indie Developer 2020-05-03
SpellDog has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-05-03
SpellDog joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2018-02-05