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游戏独立开发者 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

cv006 has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-10-09

cv006 posted a blog: 看情况再更新吧 2019-10-09

cv006 updated the game: Brain in a vat lies: detailed information 2019-09-21

cv006 updated the game: 缸中之脑:谎言: detailed information 2019-09-21

cv006 liked user's game: 缸中之脑:谎言 2019-09-19

cv006 was verified as: 游戏独立开发者 2019-09-14

cv006 achieved: Indie Developer 2019-09-13

cv006 released a new game: 缸中之脑:谎言 2019-09-13

cv006 achieved: Newcomer 2019-09-13

cv006 has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-09-13

cv006 followed: indienova 2019-09-13

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