


indienova 管理员 (Administrator)

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

eastecho contributed to game: 20 Minutes Till Dawn(黎明前 20 分钟) with:游戏素材 2024-07-08

eastecho liked user blog: 《灵魂差分》开发阶段日志 2024-07-01

eastecho contributed to game: With My Past(往事伴我) with:Steam 发行日期 2024-07-01

eastecho liked user's game: IRON CORBO: KUNG FU JANITOR 扫除武术 2023-08-16

eastecho made contribution for I'm the dirt-for art(人间之屑 - 艺术之名), made contribution for I'm the dirt-for art 2023-05-08

eastecho contributed to game: Club Naughty(顽皮俱乐部) with:中文名称 2023-05-08

eastecho contributed to game: The Night Market(夜市) with:中文名称 2023-05-08

eastecho made contribution for Identity(身份), made contribution for Sexy Airlines(性感航线) 2023-04-20

eastecho liked group post: LD51 yet another surviver game 2022-10-04

eastecho liked group post: LD51 Neural Dodge 2022-10-04

eastecho liked group post: LD51 杰夫的10秒日常 2022-10-04

eastecho liked group post: LD51 Chicken Produced All - Clicker game 2022-10-04

eastecho liked group post: LD51 《Time Heist》时间大盗 2022-10-04

eastecho liked group post: LD51 Take your sh*t, please 2022-10-04

eastecho liked article: indienova 正在招聘 2022-09-23

eastecho made a comment on an article: indienova 正在招聘 2022-09-23

eastecho followed: 泛可 2022-05-23

eastecho followed: icue 2021-07-19

eastecho made contribution for Nighthawks(夜鹰), made contribution for Nighthawks(夜鹰) 2021-07-15

eastecho contributed to game: Closed Hands(合拢的手) with:封面图片 2021-07-15

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