Hey Leute, ich bin ein deutscher Video-Creator mit einer großen Liebe für chinesische Sim / Strategy-Games! 

Just PC / Windows



German Video-Creator (Twitch/Youtube) - Loving Chinese Sim/Strategy-Games from the bottom of my heart. (Youtuber / KOL)

Last Activity

FunghisCanaleGrande achieved: Newcomer 2020-02-24

FunghisCanaleGrande has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-02-24

FunghisCanaleGrande followed: INDIECN 2019-11-03

FunghisCanaleGrande 's review on 我和我的小屋 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2018-12-19

FunghisCanaleGrande made a comment on a user game: legion war 2018-11-20

FunghisCanaleGrande followed: Bankler 2018-07-09

FunghisCanaleGrande made a comment on an article: Global Game Jam 2018 in China 2018-07-09

FunghisCanaleGrande followed: 橘喵喵 2018-07-08

FunghisCanaleGrande followed: 4D Door Games 2018-07-08

FunghisCanaleGrande followed: NovaPress 2018-07-08

FunghisCanaleGrande was verified as: German Video-Creator (Twitch/Youtube) - Loving Chinese Sim/Strategy-Games from the bottom of my heart. 2018-07-08

FunghisCanaleGrande made a comment on a user game: 萌物 X 魔物 2018-07-08

FunghisCanaleGrande liked user's game: 萌物 X 魔物 2018-07-08

FunghisCanaleGrande followed: 小一工作室 2018-07-08

FunghisCanaleGrande made a comment on a user game: 萌物 X 魔物 2018-07-07

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