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Misaeng 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

Insectin updated the game: OneHit!: platforms 2018-03-01

Insectin made a comment on a user game: OneHit! 2017-12-18

Insectin followed: liuyuchen 2017-10-09

Insectin followed: Yvonne 2017-10-09

Insectin followed: catfeine 2017-10-07

Insectin updated the game: OneHit!: detailed information 2017-10-06

Insectin updated the game: OneHit!: detailed information 2017-10-06

Insectin updated the game: OneHit!: detailed information 2017-10-05

Insectin followed: hont 2017-10-02

Insectin updated the game: OneHit!: title 2017-10-02

Insectin updated the game: OneH!t: title 2017-10-01

Insectin has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-09-25

Insectin followed: 很稳工作室 2017-08-05

Insectin followed: 高鸣 蜡烛人挚友 2017-08-04

Insectin followed: helixngc7293 2017-07-30

Insectin made a comment on an article: 【作曲宅】手把手教你创作独立游戏音乐 #1 2017-07-26

Insectin updated the game: Misaeng: logo image 2017-07-07

Insectin made a comment on a user game: Misaeng 2017-07-07

Insectin updated the game: Misaeng: store links 2017-07-06

Insectin was verified as: Misaeng 开发团队 2017-05-16

Insectin posted a blog: 行百里者半九十 2017-04-29

Insectin achieved: Indie Developer 2017-04-29

Insectin released a new game: Misaeng 2017-04-29

Insectin achieved: Newcomer 2017-04-29

Insectin has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-04-29

Insectin followed: Jerry Zhao 2017-04-29

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