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《红色安魂曲:解放》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

LHYBStudio updated the game: 红色安魂曲:解放: demos 2023-08-22

LHYBStudio updated the game: 红色安魂曲:解放: demos 2022-02-14

LHYBStudio made a comment on a user game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2017-08-26

LHYBStudio updated the game: 红色安魂曲:解放: screenshots 2016-12-03

LHYBStudio made a comment on a user game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2016-12-03

LHYBStudio was verified as: 《红色安魂曲:解放》开发团队 2016-11-23

LHYBStudio made a comment on a user game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2016-07-30

LHYBStudio made a comment on a user game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2016-07-15

LHYBStudio made a comment on a user game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2016-07-15

LHYBStudio made a comment on a user game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2016-07-09

LHYBStudio made a comment on a user game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2016-07-01

LHYBStudio updated the game: 红色安魂曲:解放: team 2016-07-01

LHYBStudio invited: fgdeb 2016-06-21

LHYBStudio achieved: Invitation 2016-06-21

LHYBStudio achieved: Newcomer 2016-06-21

LHYBStudio has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-06-21

LHYBStudio created group: LHYB Studio 2016-06-21

LHYBStudio achieved: Indie Developer 2016-06-21

LHYBStudio released a new game: 红色安魂曲:解放 2016-06-21

LHYBStudio followed: mtkn 2016-06-20

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