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Luckfish achieved: Indie Developer 2018-02-13

Luckfish released a new game: 探险者 2018-02-13

Luckfish achieved: Newcomer 2018-02-13

Luckfish has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: 狄学长shrekshao 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: Puuragames 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: whiteblack 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: 大城小胖 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: Lanza 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: 朱梦喆 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: lsle01 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: 树册 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: ambedoz 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: yellow 2018-02-13

Luckfish followed: nobodystudio 2018-02-13

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