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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity
2 hours ago07:34

west made contribution for 古惑狼全速冲锋(Crash Bandicoot: On the Run!), made contribution for 赏金奇兵 3(Desperados III), made contribution for 赏金奇兵 3(Desperados III), made contribution for 赏金奇兵 3(Desperados III), made contribution for 赏金奇兵 3(Desperados III) 10 minutes ago

west made contribution for 赏金奇兵 3(Desperados III), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact) 16 minutes ago

west made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact) 18 minutes ago

west made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact), made contribution for 原神(Genshin Impact) 19 minutes ago

west contributed to game: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure(月亮:Remix RPG 冒险) with:3D 封面 32 minutes ago

west contributed to game: 月亮:Remix RPG 冒险(Moon: Remix RPG Adventure) with:游戏素材 39 minutes ago

west contributed to game: Wilmot Works It Out with:完整中文信息 Yesterday10-21 12:27

west contributed to game: 玛吉雅 X(Magia X) with:游戏素材 Yesterday10-21 12:09

west made contribution for 玛吉雅 X(Magia X), made contribution for 玛吉雅 X(Magia X), made contribution for 玛吉雅 X(Magia X), made contribution for 玛吉雅 X(Magia X), made contribution for 玛吉雅 X(Magia X) Yesterday10-21 12:09

west made contribution for 战锤 40K:战区(Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector), made contribution for 国王的恩赐 2(King's Bounty II) Yesterday10-21 10:05

west made contribution for 国王的恩赐 2(King's Bounty II), made contribution for 国王的恩赐 2(King's Bounty II), made contribution for 国王的恩赐 2(King's Bounty II), made contribution for 国王的恩赐 2(King's Bounty II), made contribution for 国王的恩赐 2(King's Bounty II) Yesterday10-21 10:04

west made contribution for Broken Ranks, made contribution for Broken Ranks, made contribution for Broken Ranks, made contribution for Broken Ranks Yesterday10-21 09:21

west made contribution for 堕梦(Dolmen), made contribution for 堕梦(Dolmen), made contribution for 堕梦(Dolmen) Yesterday10-21 09:10

west contributed to game: Lighthouse of the Dead with:游戏素材 Yesterday10-21 09:00

west made contribution for 龙息:神寂(Dragonheir: Silent Gods), made contribution for 龙息:神寂(Dragonheir: Silent Gods), made contribution for 龙息:神寂(Dragonheir: Silent Gods) Yesterday10-21 08:52

west contributed to game: 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II) with:游戏素材 Yesterday10-21 08:24

west made contribution for 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II), made contribution for 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II), made contribution for 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II), made contribution for 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II), made contribution for 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II) Yesterday10-21 08:23

west made contribution for 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II), made contribution for 心灵杀手 2(Alan Wake II) Yesterday10-21 07:54

west contributed to game: Tales From The Arcade: Fartmania(街机故事:放屁狂潮) with:游戏素材 Yesterday10-21 07:39

west contributed to game: 神的超级大宝贝(The Holy Gosh Darn) with:游戏素材 The day before yesterday10-20 13:45

west made contribution for 国家的崛起(Rise of Nations), made contribution for 国家的崛起(Rise of Nations), made contribution for 国家的崛起(Rise of Nations), made contribution for 国家的崛起(Rise of Nations) The day before yesterday10-20 09:36

west made contribution for Wilmot Works It Out, made contribution for Wilmot Works It Out, made contribution for Gigachess The day before yesterday10-20 08:42

west made contribution for Astralode, made contribution for Forbidden Escape The day before yesterday10-20 08:34

west contributed to game: Roller Coaster Factory 2(过山车工厂 2) with:3D 封面 2024-10-19

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