迪圣极元 posted new topic in group: 宅人传说专用 2018-09-08

迪圣极元 joined group: 宅人传说专用 2018-09-08

迪圣极元 made a comment on a blog: 【游戏梦】疯王子的人文观察之挫爆 2018-05-12

迪圣极元 joined group: 米诺陶 Minotaur 2018-01-08

迪圣极元 commented Oncle... in group: 综合讨论组 2017-08-24

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Kingsway(王道). 2017-08-22

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Everything(万物). 2017-08-22

迪圣极元 made a comment on a blog: 为啥要把日志的浏览量隐藏了啊? 2017-08-15

迪圣极元 has upgraded to grade: 6 2017-08-11

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Mind: Path to Thalamus(心智:视丘之径). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes(话痨不会死). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Rampage Knights(暴虐骑士). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Besiege(围攻). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Crawl(爬行). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game BattleBlock Theater®(战砖剧场®). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Spelunky(洞穴冒险). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Evoland(进化之地). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game klocki(klocki). 2017-01-27

迪圣极元 was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2017-01-14

迪圣极元 achieved: Author 2017-01-14

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