No personal information provided
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
No personal information provided
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
四两 posted an article: 中国独立游戏会好吗?
四两 has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-05-25
四两 was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2016-11-23
四两 made a comment on an article: 入境管理处(Papers, Please)评测 2014-04-24
四两 made a comment on an article: 国产独立游戏《微观战争》筹款成功 2014-04-15
四两 made a comment on an article: Below 终于将在 PC 平台发布 2014-04-14
四两 made a comment on an article: 新奇的模拟城市:字母都市 2014-04-14
四两 made a comment on an article: 国产的 Roguelike-like 独立游戏:SiteLooter 开发中 2014-04-14
四两 made a comment on an article: The Pirate Bay Bundle,101 款免费独立游戏集合 2014-04-07
四两 made a comment on an article: 索尼公布头戴 VR 设备 Project Morpheus 2014-04-05