《我要大》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
《我要大》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
5566s183 has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-04-09
5566s183 updated the game: WoYaoDa: logo image 2018-03-25
5566s183 updated the game: 我要大: logo image 2018-03-25
5566s183 liked article: 一份小团队参展的简易指南 2017-11-22
5566s183 updated the game: 我要大: related links 2017-11-20
5566s183 made a comment on an article: 攀登那座无法企及的山峰:独自一人制作游戏的重重困难 2017-10-19
5566s183 liked article: 攀登那座无法企及的山峰:独自一人制作游戏的重重困难 2017-10-19
5566s183 liked article: 狼、猎豹与独立游戏人:中国独立游戏开发者现状 2017-09-27
5566s183 updated the game: WoYaoDa: videos 2017-09-16
5566s183 updated the game: 我要大: videos 2017-09-16
5566s183 updated the game: WoYaoDa: detailed information 2017-09-16
5566s183 updated the game: 我要大: development progress 100% 2017-09-16
5566s183 was verified as: 《我要大》开发团队 2017-05-16
5566s183 updated the game: WoYaoDa: videos 2017-04-27
5566s183 updated the game: 我要大: screenshots 2017-04-27
5566s183 achieved: Indie Developer 2017-04-19
5566s183 has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-04-19