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Last Activity

astrorz posted a blog: 开发独立游戏不如玩游戏 2024-09-08

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: screenshots 2024-09-07

astrorz made a comment on a blog: Steam游戏卖不动了,游戏业的寒冬来了? 2024-08-09

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: platforms 2024-08-08

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: videos 2024-08-04

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: detailed information 2024-07-28

astrorz has upgraded to grade: 3 2024-07-07

astrorz made a comment on a blog: 一个月做一款游戏 2024-07-04

astrorz made a comment on a blog: 一个月做一款游戏 2024-07-04

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: videos 2024-07-02

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: detailed information 2024-07-01

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: detailed information 2024-06-05

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: screenshots 2024-05-29

astrorz updated the game: 史莱姆来了: detailed information 2024-05-27

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