
Last Activity
Yesterday03-06 15:29

EdwardChar achieved: Newcomer 2022-04-08

EdwardChar has upgraded to grade: 2 2022-04-08

EdwardChar commented on game: Petscop - Petscop 2020-10-22

EdwardChar made a comment on a user game: 泰拉 2020-10-18

EdwardChar commented on game: Petscop 2020-10-18

EdwardChar liked group post: LD#47 Get in the Loop! 2020-10-17

EdwardChar liked user blog: LD#47 Get in the Loop! 2020-10-17

EdwardChar made a comment on an article: NYU Game Center 研一秋季学期总结 2019-04-27

EdwardChar made a comment on a blog: indienvoa 直播间开通 2016-08-17

EdwardChar followed: Zapper 2016-08-17

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