fjy741 | indienova


fjy741 has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-12-25

fjy741 posted a blog: 12.25更新:增加了简单模式 2017-12-25

fjy741 followed: 夜神不说话 2017-12-23

fjy741 updated the game: Fisk: basic information 2017-12-19

fjy741 posted a blog: 即将登陆steam 2017-12-18

fjy741 updated the game: Fisk: development progress 100% 2017-12-18

fjy741 joined group: Construct2/3 2017-06-12

fjy741 followed: 疯王子 2017-06-11

fjy741 updated the game: Fisk: detailed information 2017-06-11

fjy741 made a comment on a user game: Fisk 2017-06-11

fjy741 posted a blog: 2017.6.8更新大量互动元素 2017-06-08

fjy741 updated the game: Fisk: videos 2017-06-08

fjy741 updated the game: Fisk: detailed information 2017-06-08

fjy741 made a comment on a blog: 《FISK》登陆steam绿光了! 2017-05-25

fjy741 posted a blog: 《FISK》登陆steam绿光了! 2017-05-25

fjy741 updated the game: Fisk: detailed information 2017-05-25

fjy741 was verified as: Fisk 开发团队 2017-05-16

fjy741 followed: 游戏打折情报 2017-05-01

fjy741 followed: indie 新闻官 2017-04-22

fjy741 updated the game: Fisk: logo image 2017-04-19

fjy741 achieved: Indie Developer 2017-04-18

fjy741 released a new game: Fisk 2017-04-18

fjy741 achieved: Newcomer 2017-04-18

fjy741 has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-04-18

fjy741 followed: ROY 2017-03-15

fjy741 followed: ekira 2017-03-15

fjy741 followed: 罗杰儿 2017-03-15

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