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虎山行 made a short review on game: Cocoon(茧) 2023-10-12

虎山行 liked user blog: 用国际象棋来设计游戏! 2022-10-15

虎山行 made a short review on game: Scorn(蔑视) 2022-10-15

虎山行 liked group post: 《昆仑仙宫》新增物品系统 2022-09-13

虎山行 made a comment on a blog: Rockgeon周开发日志 (22年8月第二周) 2022-09-13

虎山行 made a comment on an article: 2022-07 媒体评分 2022-08-12

虎山行 made a comment on a blog: 吐血爆肝进行中…… 2022-06-07

虎山行 commented on game: 流浪猫 - Stray 2022-06-07

虎山行 made a short review on game: Card Shark(千爵史诗) 2022-06-07

虎山行 made a short review on game: Prince of Qin(秦殇) 2022-05-15

虎山行 made a short review on game: Salt and Sacrifice(盐与献祭) 2022-05-15

虎山行 liked article: 2022-03 媒体评分 2022-04-07

虎山行 made a short review on game: Tunic(Tunic) 2022-03-21

虎山行 liked article: 我为什么喜欢《与君盟》 2022-03-09

虎山行 made a comment on an article: 游必有方 Vol.21 醉酒游戏测试 2022-01-09

虎山行 made a comment on an article: 电脑 RPG 游戏史 #47:上古卷轴 - 竞技场 2022-01-09

虎山行 made a short review on game: Heaven Dust 2(秘馆疑踪 2) 2022-01-09

虎山行 made a comment on a blog: 《边缘》开发日记#5 2021-12-26

虎山行 made a short review on game: After the Fall(灭亡之后) 2021-12-10

虎山行 made a short review on game: Inscryption(邪恶冥刻) 2021-11-14

虎山行 made a short review on game: Unpacking(拆包装) 2021-11-14

虎山行 made a comment on a user game: 新概念象棋 2021-10-27

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