
Last Activity
Yesterday04-25 14:04

BINGOBELL updated the game: KAKU: Ancient Seal: features Yesterday04-25 14:05

BINGOBELL updated the game: 卡库远古封印: features Yesterday04-25 13:40

BINGOBELL updated the game: 卡库远古封印: logo image The day before yesterday04-24 15:19

BINGOBELL updated the game: KAKU: Ancient Seal: features 2023-04-13

BINGOBELL has upgraded to grade: 6 2022-10-30

BINGOBELL updated the game: KAKU: Ancient Seal: title 2022-09-15

BINGOBELL updated the game: 卡库远古封印: title 2022-09-15

BINGOBELL posted a blog: 关于嘭嘭营地的设计调整 2022-06-24

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