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悠乙 posted a blog: 《Lefka 空垣》上线Steam十月新品节&众筹活动即将开启 2024-10-18
悠乙 updated the game: 列夫卡Lefka 空垣: modern URL 2024-09-16
悠乙 released a new game: 列夫卡Lefka 空垣 2024-05-31
悠乙 has upgraded to grade: 4 2024-05-31
悠乙 saved article: 糟糕的节奏是如何毁掉你的游戏的 2024-02-20
悠乙 posted a blog: 【白昼梦 心象病院】免费恐解,steam发布! 2024-01-07
悠乙 saved article: 韩国 RPG 简史(下) 2023-10-14
悠乙 updated the game: 白昼梦·心象病院: store links 2023-08-26
悠乙 liked article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 02.20 - 02.26(下) 2023-02-23
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: detailed information 2023-02-20
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: development progress 100% 2023-02-17
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: basic information 2023-02-08
悠乙 posted a blog: 解谜剧情向RPG Artificiality -人造物- 2月25日Steam发售 2023-02-05
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: logo image 图 2023-01-19
悠乙 posted a blog: 20221230 年终了 写写进度 2022-12-30
悠乙 posted a blog: 20221215 存档地图 2022-12-16
悠乙 liked blog: 《I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream(无声狂啸)》原声增强 2022-12-10
悠乙 has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-07-23
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: detailed information 2022-01-17
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: screenshots 2020-10-12
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: screenshots 2020-06-27
悠乙 liked article: 这款游戏是怎么做到让玩家感悟人生的? 2020-05-22
悠乙 updated the game: Artificiality-人造物-: preview image 2020-05-11
悠乙 liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #5 2020-04-27
悠乙 saved article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #5 2020-04-27