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Nitch joined group: indienova Portfolio 功能测试小组 2019-08-13
Nitch commented on game list: 游戏列表:方程全成就的Steam游戏(80) 2019-08-10
Nitch commented on game list: 游戏列表:Epic Games Store Free Games(28) 2019-08-10
Nitch liked article: 投稿:ChinaJoy 2019 与中国游戏的 2019 2019-08-10
Nitch liked group post: 老年策划求组队?!是道德的沦丧,还是人性的缺失?没版号啊! 2019-08-10
Nitch commented on game: 灌木蒿 - Sagebrush 2019-08-10
Nitch made a comment on an article: 周末游戏视频集锦 #9 2019-08-10
Nitch liked article: 周末游戏视频集锦 #9 2019-08-10
Nitch made a short review on game: CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience(零钱:一个无家可归者的生存体验) 2019-07-08
Nitch liked user blog: SLG制作手记 篇章二 2019-05-16
Nitch made a short review on game: The Bus Empire(巴士帝国) 2019-05-16
Nitch commented on game: Madorica 不动产 - Madorica Real Estate 2019-04-27
Nitch commented on game: 瘟疫传说:纯真 - A Plague Tale: Innocence 2019-04-27
Nitch made a comment on a blog: 从一开始来做个SLG吧 2019-04-27
Nitch liked user blog: 从一开始来做个SLG吧 2019-04-27
Nitch liked user blog: (续)Godot开发——C++语言描述 2019-04-27
Nitch liked article: 我如星辰坠落,我亦可如星辰闪耀 —— Gris 2019-04-27
Nitch made a comment on an article: 武士 零(Katana ZERO)- 动作游戏的剧情终于有看头了 2019-04-27
Nitch made a short review on game: The Eyes of Ara 2019-04-17
Nitch contributed to game: The Eyes of Ara with:封面图片 2019-04-17