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ntop made a comment on a blog: 无意间搞出了一个小游戏(磨洋工) 2018-10-22

ntop made a comment on a blog: 无意间搞出了一个小游戏(磨洋工) 2018-10-22

ntop made a comment on a blog: 独立做游戏真的挺难的! 2018-10-17

ntop made a comment on a blog: 独立做游戏真的挺难的! 2018-10-16

ntop made a comment on a blog: 独立做游戏真的挺难的! 2018-10-15

ntop made a comment on a blog: 独立做游戏真的挺难的! 2018-10-15

ntop posted a blog: 独立做游戏真的挺难的! 2018-10-15

ntop updated the game: 射击栈: store links

ntop has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-08-31

ntop posted a blog: Shoot Stack (Android版)上线啦 2018-08-31

ntop made a comment on a blog: CIGA Game Jam2018总结和分享 2018-07-12

ntop achieved: Indie Developer

ntop made a comment on a blog: 趁着gamejam做了点奇怪的资源,喜欢的请自取 2018-07-09

ntop posted a blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 - v6 2018-07-09

ntop liked user blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 - v5 2018-07-09

ntop posted a blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 - v5 2018-07-07

ntop has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-07-06

ntop posted a blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 - v4 2018-07-06

ntop made a comment on a blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 - v3 2018-07-05

ntop made a comment on a blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 2018-07-04

ntop posted a blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 - v3 2018-07-04

ntop liked user blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 2018-07-03

ntop posted a blog: 一款小蝌蚪大冒险的游戏 2018-07-03

ntop made a comment on a blog: 一款小蝌蚪找妈妈的游戏 2018-06-23

ntop liked blog: 一款小蝌蚪找妈妈的游戏 2018-06-23