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LarjGames工作室 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

辣鸡Larj updated the game: 七勇者与魔王之城: awards 2024-04-10

辣鸡Larj followed: LeeTGame 2022-08-09

辣鸡Larj liked user's game: 勇者也要闯魔城 2022-02-18

辣鸡Larj released a new game: 勇者也要闯魔城 2022-02-18

辣鸡Larj followed: NitoSouji 2019-11-22

辣鸡Larj made a comment on a blog: 向中国独立游戏界诸姊诸兄问候 2019-11-22

辣鸡Larj joined group: ink 语言交流小组 2018-11-08

辣鸡Larj made a comment on an article: 文字游戏引擎 ink 初探(上):初步了解 2018-11-07

辣鸡Larj joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2018-07-04

辣鸡Larj updated the game: 七勇者与魔王之城: awards 2018-06-07

辣鸡Larj made a comment on a user game: 宅人传说 2018-06-07

辣鸡Larj made a comment on a blog: 七勇者2开始制作了 2018-05-18

辣鸡Larj posted a blog: 七勇者2开始制作了 2018-05-18

辣鸡Larj made a comment on a blog: 一些新游戏的总结 2018-02-08

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