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Last Activity

dycalc achieved: Newcomer 2016-06-02

dycalc has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-06-02

dycalc made a comment on a Steam game: Gang Beasts :: 基佬大乱斗 2016-03-08

dycalc made a comment on an article: 来把怪兽变成道具吧! 2016-03-05

dycalc made a comment on an article: Terraria 饰品合成篇 2016-03-05

dycalc made a comment on an article: Steam 平台开始预售 HTC Vive 2016-03-01

dycalc followed: Music Lover 2016-01-18

dycalc made a comment on an article: 那些年,你听过的独立游戏音乐(Part 1) 2016-01-18

dycalc made a comment on an article: 【包神评测】废土之王 Nuclear Throne 2015-12-08

dycalc made a comment on an article: The Game Awards 2015 获奖名单出炉 2015-12-04

dycalc followed: Humble Ray 2015-12-01

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