游戏设计,游戏开发者,K12 教育

Last Activity

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: platforms 2020-07-22

Eiman posted an article: 动森和你的朋友圈 2020-05-06

Eiman made a comment on a blog: 动森和你的朋友圈 2020-05-04

Eiman posted a blog: 动森和你的朋友圈 2020-05-03

Eiman made a comment on an article: “我觉得动物之森没什么好玩的” 2020-03-16

Eiman has upgraded to grade: 6 2020-02-27

Eiman made a comment on an article: “我觉得动物之森没什么好玩的” 2020-02-26

Eiman made a comment on an article: 诺娃速递:Lake 2020-02-19

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: platforms 2020-02-12

Eiman made a comment on a user game: 妙连千军 2019-10-23

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: store links 2019-10-07

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: basic information 2019-10-06

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: logo image 2019-07-19

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: development progress 100% 2019-07-18

Eiman made a comment on a user game: 节拍战士:念 2019-07-18

Eiman liked article: 七月:会员游戏集中发行! 2019-07-17

Eiman achieved: Member 2019-07-11

Eiman has upgraded to grade: 5 2019-07-11

Eiman made a comment on a user game: 克洛克 2019-07-08

Eiman updated the game: COLLOC: logo image 图 2019-07-04

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: logo image 图 2019-07-04

Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: development progress 90% 2019-07-03

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