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Gouhong released a new game: 《Sa[meow]rai:银翼喵侍》

Gouhong has upgraded to grade: 3 2023-05-20

Gouhong liked blog: 桃花源 | Devlog 2018.39 | 成都博物馆 2023-03-24

Gouhong saved article: Unity开发规范:目录规范 2023-01-06

Gouhong updated the game: 鼠疫: logo image

Gouhong updated the game: 《鼠疫》: detailed information

Gouhong achieved: Indie Developer

Gouhong has upgraded to grade: 2 2022-04-16

Gouhong saved article: GameJam 成就列表 2022-01-16

Gouhong followed: Bitca Games 2022-01-04

Gouhong liked article: 2021 七到十二月近况 + 年终总结 2022-01-03

Gouhong followed: Supernature Studio 2021-06-17