汤宏建 followed: 齐乐无穷 2020-10-24

汤宏建 updated the game: 守卫云城: title 2020-10-19

汤宏建 updated the game: Project-S: screenshots 2020-09-24

汤宏建 liked user blog: 美术资源制作——树 2020-09-24

汤宏建 liked user blog: 《戴森球计划》的诞生! 2020-09-24

汤宏建 followed: 柚子猫独立游戏 2020-09-24

汤宏建 has upgraded to grade: 4 2020-07-28

汤宏建 followed: hideChara 2020-06-30

汤宏建 followed: 亚恒 2020-06-19

汤宏建 liked user blog: indienova 游戏库测试通知 2020-06-17

汤宏建 updated the game: Project-S: detailed information 2020-06-15

汤宏建 liked user blog: Project I.S.S 开发日志 #15 2020-06-15

汤宏建 updated the game: Project-S: logo image 2020-06-13

汤宏建 made a comment on a blog: Project-S-开发日志-01 2020-06-06

汤宏建 commented 急!游戏名字投票 in group: 综合讨论组 2020-06-03

汤宏建 liked user's game: 星之海的阿斯特莉娅 2020-06-01

汤宏建 posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - Project-S-开发日志-01 2020-05-31

汤宏建 posted a blog: Project-S-开发日志-01 2020-05-31

汤宏建 updated the game: Project-S: basic information 2020-05-31

汤宏建 achieved: Indie Developer 2020-05-31

汤宏建 released a new game: Project-S 2020-05-31

汤宏建 has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-05-31

汤宏建 followed: LeeTGame 2020-03-23

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