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Netics liked user's game: MINUIT 2020-07-27

Netics liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #1 2019-11-16

Netics saved article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #1 2019-11-16

Netics followed: Salt Sound Studio 2019-08-31

Netics followed: 风农 2019-08-04

Netics liked user's game: 霓虹深渊 2019-07-13

Netics followed: JKLLIN 2019-06-25

Netics saved article: Dead Cells 的随机地图生成 2019-06-19

Netics joined group: #1GAM 2019-06-18

Netics achieved: Newcomer 2019-06-17

Netics has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-06-17

Netics followed: EndKeyStudio 2019-03-05

Netics saved article: Signal设计日志(一) 2019-03-05

Netics liked article: Signal设计日志(一) 2019-03-05

Netics followed: 游戏发现 2019-03-01

Netics followed: 枫丹白露 2018-08-22

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