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Last Activity

MimicNix has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-05-05

MimicNix followed: WayneLIN 2022-05-05

MimicNix liked group post: RTS单机游戏找Unity程序组队 2022-05-05

MimicNix created group: 独立游戏[文字冒险向] 2022-05-05

MimicNix joined group: 上海独立游戏 2022-05-05

MimicNix posted a blog: 新的地牢类型生成 2021-04-26

MimicNix saved article: 一种 Roguelike 地牢生成算法 2021-04-15

MimicNix liked article: 一种 Roguelike 地牢生成算法 2021-04-15

MimicNix posted a blog: 洞窟类地牢生成 2021-04-15

MimicNix liked user's game: 简单地牢 2021-04-10

MimicNix posted a blog: 简单地牢 20210410更新 2021-04-10

MimicNix updated the game: 简单地牢: screenshots 2021-04-09

MimicNix posted a blog: 简单地牢 更新 2021-04-09

MimicNix posted a blog: 商店物品系统 2021-04-07

MimicNix updated the game: 简单地牢: development progress 5% 2021-04-05

MimicNix achieved: Indie Developer 2021-04-04

MimicNix released a new game: 简单地牢 2021-04-04

MimicNix achieved: Newcomer 2021-04-04

MimicNix has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-04-04

MimicNix posted a blog: 简单地牢的原型 2021-04-04

MimicNix joined group: ink 语言交流小组 2019-11-21

MimicNix followed: indienova 2019-10-16

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