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Last Activity
Yesterday03-06 15:57

OSSOH saved article: 房间和迷宫:一个地牢生成算法 The day before yesterday03-05 14:12

OSSOH joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2023-12-28

OSSOH achieved: Newcomer 2023-10-17

OSSOH has upgraded to grade: 2 2023-10-17

OSSOH made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 12.05 - 12.11(上) 2022-12-05

OSSOH followed: iNSPiRATiON 灵感发现 2022-11-19

OSSOH made a comment on an article: 周末游戏视频集锦 #162 2022-10-09

OSSOH made a comment on a blog: 推荐一款免费的在线3D建模软件 2022-08-10

OSSOH made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 07.18 - 07.24(一) 2022-07-18

OSSOH made a comment on a blog: 游戏性能优化(前篇) 2021-02-25

OSSOH followed: indienova 2021-02-25

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