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- Participated in 8 Steam game intro translation
- Participated in 76 NovaPress
- 32 NovaPress review(s) selected by developers
- NovaPress Points: 36
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Senile has upgraded to grade: 4 2020-02-17
Senile made a comment on a blog: 《了不起的修仙模拟器》美术大佬赋予了封面生命 2018-10-19
Senile liked user blog: 《了不起的修仙模拟器》美术大佬赋予了封面生命 2018-10-19
Senile made a comment on a blog: 《了不起的修仙模拟器》风水详解 2018-08-31
Senile liked user blog: 《了不起的修仙模拟器》风水详解 2018-08-31
Senile 's review on 夏之扉 最后的圣骑士 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2018-05-25
Senile 's review on Ages of Mages - The last keeper @ NovaPress was accepted. 2018-03-25