Cocoon 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
- Participated in 1 NovaPress
Cocoon 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
WeAthFolD saved article: Ken Levine:再谈《Bioshock》与《Bioshock:Infinite》 2018-07-15
WeAthFolD liked article: Ken Levine:再谈《Bioshock》与《Bioshock:Infinite》 2018-07-15
WeAthFolD made a comment on an article: Cocoon DevLog——光照系统 2018-06-29
WeAthFolD has upgraded to grade: 4 2018-06-19
WeAthFolD liked article: Dead Cells 的随机地图生成 2018-05-31
WeAthFolD liked news :带你看看中国游戏节(一) 2018-05-27
WeAthFolD liked news :indiePlay2018中国独立游戏大赛报名开启 2018-05-27
WeAthFolD made a comment on a blog: Cocoon DevLog 5# - 我们获奖了!IDXbox校园行决赛小记 2018-05-27
WeAthFolD liked article: 创新较多,内容不够——Light Fall 评测 2018-05-22
WeAthFolD made a comment on a user game: Cocoon - The Runner 2018-05-22
WeAthFolD made a comment on a blog: Cocoon DevLog 5# - 我们获奖了!IDXbox校园行决赛小记 2018-05-22
WeAthFolD updated the game: Cocoon - The Runner: screenshots
WeAthFolD updated the game: Cocoon - The Runner: screenshots
WeAthFolD posted a blog: Cocoon DevLog 5# - 我们获奖了!ID@Xbox决赛小记 2018-05-21
WeAthFolD updated the game: Cocoon - The Runner: awards
WeAthFolD liked user blog: WenJia 程序的更新1 2018-05-14
WeAthFolD liked user's game: 《明天》:四川团队打造的地震题材解谜剧情类游戏 2018-05-13
WeAthFolD liked article: 使用“马里奥方法”设计游戏关卡 2018-05-13
WeAthFolD saved article: 使用“马里奥方法”设计游戏关卡 2018-05-13
WeAthFolD liked user blog: COCOON DEVLOG 4# 抠出一片天-Cocoon的场景开发记录01 2018-05-12
WeAthFolD posted a blog: COCOON DEVLOG 4# 抠出一片天-Cocoon的场景开发记录01 2018-05-12
WeAthFolD liked article: 【游戏音乐课】《蔚蓝》用音乐探索焦虑 2018-04-19
WeAthFolD made a comment on a blog: 【开发日志】我们和风筝 2018-04-18
WeAthFolD liked user blog: 【开发日志】我们和风筝 2018-04-18
WeAthFolD liked article: 【游戏制作工具箱】如何(不作恶地)吸引玩家玩下去? 2018-04-09
WeAthFolD liked article: indienova GaMemory 今天开始提供下载 2018-04-02
WeAthFolD liked article: 今年夏天 indienova 带你去 IGF 摇篮 Critical Hit 做独立游戏 2018-03-29