


Cocoon 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

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WeAthFolD made a comment on an article: Cocoon DevLog——光照系统 2018-06-29

WeAthFolD has upgraded to grade: 4 2018-06-19

WeAthFolD liked article: Dead Cells 的随机地图生成 2018-05-31

WeAthFolD made a comment on a user game: Cocoon - The Runner 2018-05-22

WeAthFolD updated the game: Cocoon - The Runner: screenshots 2018-05-21

WeAthFolD updated the game: Cocoon - The Runner: screenshots 2018-05-21

WeAthFolD liked user's game: 信号 2018-05-21

WeAthFolD updated the game: Cocoon - The Runner: awards 2018-05-21

WeAthFolD liked user blog: WenJia 程序的更新1 2018-05-14

WeAthFolD made a comment on a blog: 【开发日志】我们和风筝 2018-04-18

WeAthFolD followed: 二蕉 2018-04-18

WeAthFolD liked user blog: 【开发日志】我们和风筝 2018-04-18

WeAthFolD followed: 东方汐 2018-03-29

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