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Aikesi updated the game: 创造与挑战: demos
Aikesi achieved: Indie Developer
Aikesi has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-06-13
Aikesi made a comment on an article: Scroll Back:2D 横版游戏摄像机运镜原理与实践 2016-10-09
Aikesi made a comment on an article: 简述Undertale中的乐旨及其在叙事之中的作用 #1 2016-10-09
Aikesi made a comment on a user game: s i l l i e r 2016-06-20
Aikesi saved article: Kenny 工作室献给游戏开发者的礼物 2016-06-20
Aikesi followed: Humble Ray 2016-06-18