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hihibaibai posted a blog: 地牢防御类游戏开发日志 2020-09-17

hihibaibai posted new topic in group: GameMaker Studio 2 - 月度挑战——festivus 2017-12-03

hihibaibai achieved: Newcomer 2017-11-17

hihibaibai has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-11-17

hihibaibai posted new topic in group: GameMaker Studio 2 - 这是一个问题。 2017-11-06

hihibaibai followed: 顺子 2017-11-06

hihibaibai made a comment on a blog: 在GMS2中实现动态遮罩效果 2017-11-05

hihibaibai liked article: 如何寻找我的故事 2017-11-03

hihibaibai joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2017-10-11

hihibaibai saved article: 六角网格大观 2017-10-03

hihibaibai liked article: 六角网格大观 2017-10-03

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