indiest followed: ZombieGGG 2017-04-08

indiest followed: 厦门-黑脉游戏 2017-03-24

indiest joined group: 杭州独立游戏小组 2017-01-23

indiest was verified as: 《无尽魔塔》开发团队 2016-11-23

indiest made a comment on a blog: 不为人知工作室只差一个程序员了 2016-09-30

indiest made a comment on a blog: 文字游戏引擎试用心得之二:Inkle 2016-09-30

indiest followed: alpacanist 2016-09-27

indiest made a comment on a blog: 文字游戏引擎试用心得(未完) 2016-09-27

indiest commented 直播建议与推荐游戏 in group: 综合讨论组 2016-09-27

indiest joined group: 综合讨论组 2016-09-27

indiest followed: ZackZ 2016-07-12

indiest made a comment on a blog: 升级画面的一些思考及其他 2016-07-12

indiest followed: SuleyWu 2016-07-12

indiest made a comment on a user game: 冰杖秘闻 2016-07-11

indiest has upgraded to grade: 3 2016-07-03

indiest made a comment on an article: 心灵相系、骨肉相连的生命 2016-06-29

indiest made a comment on an article: indienova picks: 那些不撒谎的免费蛋糕 2016-06-27

indiest made a comment on an article: ABZÛ:沁人心脾的水下之旅 2016-06-26

indiest followed: Randiris 2016-06-25

indiest followed: MotionWalk Studios 2016-06-25

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