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Jeinifu made a comment on an article: MagRack 走马观杂志 2021-03 2021-03-22

Jeinifu made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 12.7-12.13(上) 2020-12-07

Jeinifu saved article: IGF 2020 提名名单公开 2020-01-10

Jeinifu saved article: 游戏编程入门指南 2020-01-09

Jeinifu followed: LouisLiu 2019-12-31

Jeinifu saved article: Global Game Jam2018总结和分享 2019-11-29

Jeinifu liked article: Global Game Jam2018总结和分享 2019-11-29

Jeinifu followed: 风农 2019-11-29

Jeinifu liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #5 2019-11-29

Jeinifu followed: 彭必涛 2019-11-26

Jeinifu saved article: 独立游戏开发入门指南 2019-11-21

Jeinifu posted an article: 红弦俱乐部攻略(流程 & 成就) 2019-10-31

Jeinifu achieved: Newcomer 2019-10-31

Jeinifu has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-10-31

Jeinifu followed: I3PROMISE 2019-10-18

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