Theo made a comment on a user game: 合金突变 2021-12-23

Theo liked user's game: 合金突变 2021-12-23

Theo liked user blog: 《七夜:救赎》开发日志18 2021-11-02

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: screenshots 2021-10-27

Theo liked article: 关于近几年独立游戏的碎碎念 2021-08-11

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: videos 2021-07-01

Theo made a comment on a user game: 轻点江湖水 2021-06-11

Theo liked user's game: 轻点江湖水 2021-06-11

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: logo image 2021-04-10

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: videos 2021-03-20

Theo liked user blog: 女忍模型更新已经完成 2021-02-28

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: development progress 62% 2021-02-28

Theo posted a blog: 女忍模型更新已经完成 2021-02-28

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: press releases 2021-02-11

Theo made a comment on a user game: 合金意志 2021-02-02

Theo followed: WhirllaxyStudio 2021-02-02

Theo has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-02-02

Theo liked user blog: 第二个人物模型重制已经完成 2021-02-02

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: development progress 59% 2021-02-02

Theo followed: 金戈 Sharpmusic 2021-02-02

Theo updated the game: 祈求者之拳: press releases 2021-01-22

Theo followed: 游戏发现 2021-01-21

Theo liked article: 诺娃独立游戏通讯 2021-#2 2021-01-20

Theo made a comment on a user game: 祈求者之拳 2021-01-19

Theo made a comment on a user game: 祈求者之拳 2021-01-18

Theo posted a blog: 第二个人物模型重制已经完成 2021-01-18

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