snowflake liked user's game: Diary of father 2021-08-31

snowflake made a comment on a user game: Diary of father 2021-08-05

snowflake liked user's game: Diary of father 2021-08-02

snowflake updated the game: Diary of father: logo image 2021-07-31

snowflake released a new game: Diary of father 2021-07-23

snowflake has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-07-23

snowflake liked blog: 做了一个像素字体 2021-06-10

snowflake liked user blog: 做了一个像素字体 2021-06-10

snowflake made a comment on a blog: 做了一个像素字体 2021-06-10

snowflake followed: eastecho 2021-06-10

snowflake saved article: 如何将点阵汉字矢量化 2021-06-10

snowflake followed: 游戏机实用技术UCG 2021-06-07

snowflake followed: 风农 2020-11-08

snowflake followed: 流贾君 2020-08-17

snowflake liked user's game: 寻宝浪客:念 2020-08-17

snowflake saved article: 游戏研究相关书籍目录 2019-08-14

snowflake liked article: 游戏研究相关书籍目录 2019-08-14

snowflake liked user's game: 残酷乐队生涯 2019-07-22

snowflake made a comment on a blog: 姑娘,我不上班去做游戏你介意吗? 2019-07-22

snowflake followed: 奶爸乔桑 2019-07-22

snowflake saved article: Steam 商店页面和游戏上传 2019-06-10

snowflake liked article: Steam 商店页面和游戏上传 2019-06-10

snowflake liked user's game: 象棋竞技场 2019-05-05

snowflake made a comment on a user game: 星旅人 2019-04-12

snowflake liked user's game: 星旅人 2019-04-12

snowflake joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2019-03-01

snowflake liked user's game: 孙悟空大战机器金刚 2019-01-03

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