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廿木 updated the game: 深层宝藏: platforms 2023-10-06

廿木 released a new game: 深层宝藏 2023-10-06

廿木 joined group: 综合讨论组 2022-02-13

廿木 followed: 风农 2020-01-19

廿木 liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #3 2020-01-19

廿木 posted new topic in group: Godot-StartUP - tile based随机地图--检测地图连通性 2020-01-06

廿木 liked group post: LD#43 Sacrifice ALL ! (献上一切 !) 2018-12-10

廿木 joined group: Godot Engine 2018-10-26

廿木 joined group: Ludum Dare 2018-10-26

廿木 posted new topic in group: 程序员学美术谁都挡不住 - 如何临摹一只猼訑 2018-10-20

廿木 has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-10-20

廿木 posted a blog: 如何临摹一只猼訑 2018-10-20

廿木 joined group: 程序员学美术谁都挡不住 2018-09-08

廿木 posted new topic in group: Godot-StartUP - [Godot]Shader实现泛光效果 2018-09-06

廿木 posted a blog: [Godot]Shader实现泛光效果 2018-09-06

廿木 saved article: 写给程序员的美术创作指南 2018-08-22

廿木 liked article: 写给程序员的美术创作指南 2018-08-22

廿木 posted new topic in group: Godot-StartUP - [Godot] 如何实现简易的状态机 2018-08-18

廿木 posted new topic in group: Godot-StartUP - [Godot] 如何实现简易的状态机 2018-08-17

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