
Last Activity

OMStuido saved article: SNOWFALL DEVLOG_02,_03 2021-11-25

OMStuido liked article: SNOWFALL DEVLOG_02,_03 2021-11-25

OMStuido has upgraded to grade: 7 2021-11-24

OMStuido liked user blog: 《重构》塔防游戏开发日志4 2021-11-14

OMStuido made a comment on a user game: 伊万博士: 进化 2021-11-07

OMStuido updated the game: 伊万博士: 进化: screenshots 2021-11-05

OMStuido updated the game: 伊万博士: 进化: videos 2021-11-02

OMStuido liked user blog: 微生物战争 概念画设计 2021-09-11

OMStuido made a comment on a user game: 建筑吧公司 2021-09-05

OMStuido updated the game: 伊万博士: 进化: screenshots 2021-09-01

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