oxp joined group: Ludum Dare 2022-09-06

oxp updated the game: 对弈: detailed information 2022-08-20

oxp updated the game: 对弈: detailed information 2022-08-18

oxp updated the game: 对弈: detailed information 2022-02-20

oxp made a comment on a blog: 程序化生成剧情——这坑咱不踩 2022-02-20

oxp updated the game: 对弈: detailed information 2021-11-03

oxp followed: 亚恒 2021-10-28

oxp achieved: Indie Developer 2021-10-28

oxp released a new game: 对弈 2021-10-28

oxp achieved: Newcomer 2021-10-28

oxp has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-10-28

oxp posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - 【组队】业余制作2D战棋小游戏 2021-09-30

oxp joined group: 综合讨论组 2021-09-29

oxp followed: indienova 2021-09-16

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