茂木 updated the game: SneakHero: title 2021-02-18

茂木 updated the game: SneakHero: detailed information 2020-11-17

茂木 updated the game: SneakHero: detailed information 2020-04-22

茂木 updated the game: SneakHero: demos 2020-04-20

茂木 updated the game: SneakHero: demos 2020-04-17

茂木 achieved: Indie Developer 2020-04-13

茂木 released a new game: SneakHero 2020-04-13

茂木 achieved: Newcomer 2020-04-13

茂木 has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-04-13

茂木 joined group: Game Design Dailies 2017-02-07

茂木 joined group: Ludum Dare 2017-02-07

茂木 joined group: 测试专用 2017-02-07

茂木 joined group: 杭州独立游戏小组 2017-02-07

茂木 followed: Humble Ray 2015-12-21

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