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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

《王权战争》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

Baine commented 朋友,你在哪? in group: 综合讨论组 2021-07-07

Baine updated the game: 王权战争(项目已失效): title 2021-06-24

Baine updated the game: 王权战争: basic information 2021-06-24

Baine joined group: 综合讨论组 2021-06-17

Baine joined group: ink 语言交流小组 2019-08-06

Baine 's review on 独自一人 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2018-07-10

Baine followed: 疯王子 2018-07-10

Baine followed: 疯王子 2018-07-10

Baine followed: maou 2017-07-13

Baine updated the game: 王权战争: detailed information 2017-05-29

Baine liked user's game: 王权战争 2017-05-29

Baine updated the game: 王权战争: basic information 2017-05-29

Baine made a comment on a blog: 独立TCG《WAR OF KINGSHIP》开发日志(四) 2017-03-11

Baine made a comment on a blog: 独立TCG《WAR OF KINGSHIP》开发日志(四) 2017-03-11

Baine liked blog: 美术风格 2017-01-26

Baine followed: kuaile 2017-01-26

Baine updated the game: 王权战争: detailed information 2017-01-26

Baine followed: 了脚喵 2017-01-26

Baine followed: moonagent 2017-01-24

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