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独立游戏开发者,混迹三维动画领域,做过一段时间策划,现在尝试独立制作一款 2d roguelike 类游戏 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

kuaile joined group: 上海独立游戏 2021-03-05

kuaile followed: Humble Ray 2018-07-26

kuaile joined group: 上海业余时光游戏工作室 2018-04-19

kuaile made a comment on an article: Global Game Jam2018总结和分享 2018-02-05

kuaile has upgraded to grade: 4 2017-11-17

kuaile followed: 满宏刚 2017-09-06

kuaile liked article: 游戏设计工具 #1:头脑风暴 2017-02-15

kuaile liked article: 2016 indienova 内容精选 2017-02-14

kuaile made a comment on a blog: 冬至总结 2017-02-07

kuaile followed: Baine 2017-01-13

kuaile followed: lankaright 2017-01-12

kuaile made a comment on a blog: 来点鸡汤 2017-01-10

kuaile made a comment on a blog: 来点鸡汤 2017-01-10

kuaile made a comment on a blog: 来点鸡汤 2017-01-10

kuaile posted a blog: 来点鸡汤 2017-01-09

kuaile followed: guoboism 2017-01-09

kuaile joined group: itch 2017-01-06

kuaile made a comment on an article: 他们用48小时创作游戏,创意玩法席卷全球 2016-12-27

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