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doodle made a comment on an article: 《UFO 50》中第 51 款游戏的秘密(完!) Yesterday03-09 10:49

doodle commented on game: 噗噗的冒险乐园 - PuPu's Adventure Park 2023-07-24

doodle has upgraded to grade: 3 2023-07-24

doodle made a comment on a blog: 简评笼中窥梦的成就设计 2023-05-14

doodle made a comment on an article: 概率与游戏:伤害检定 2017-01-01

doodle made a comment on an article: 电子 RPG 小史 #3:新千年以来的发展变化 2016-11-14

doodle made a comment on an article: 电子RPG游戏小史 #1: 来自上世纪八十年代的脑洞 2016-10-18

doodle commented indie Talk #9:你遇到过哪些当年爱玩,现在看起来依然惊艳的老游戏? in group: 综合讨论组 2016-10-15

doodle has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-10-14

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #8: 恶魔行者与AI 2016-09-07

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #4:碰撞与遮挡 2016-09-04

doodle made a comment on an article: indienova Picks:开学玩什么 2016-09-01

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #2: 2D人物行走 2016-08-30

doodle was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-08-30

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #1: 介绍与安装 2016-08-28

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #2: 2D人物行走 2016-08-27

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #1: 介绍与安装 2016-08-27

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #6: 人物与技能 2016-08-27

doodle joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2016-08-24

doodle made a comment on a blog: 【含Alpha测试申请】这次不用杀人了!衍生游戏 Party Hard Tycoon 请你好好经营一场 Party 2016-08-22

doodle made a comment on an article: ALZ -交互艺术的精品 2016-08-18

doodle made a comment on a user game: 上帝之城 I:监狱帝国 2016-08-18

doodle made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #5: 视野设置与项目重构 2016-08-18

doodle made a comment on a page: indienova 三周年 2016-08-17