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Kimpika made a comment on a user game: 了不起的修仙模拟器 2018-09-21

Kimpika made a comment on a user game: 了不起的修仙模拟器 2018-09-06

Kimpika made a comment on a user game: 模拟学园物语 2017-12-26

Kimpika made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #86:期待与落差 2017-12-21

Kimpika made a comment on a user game: 前程似锦 2017-12-21

Kimpika made a comment on a user game: 模拟学园物语 2017-12-21

Kimpika liked article: 教育如何装入游戏这个容器 2017-05-06

Kimpika achieved: Newcomer 2017-05-04

Kimpika has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-05-04

Kimpika made a comment on an article: 从Minecraft看沙盒游戏:Minecraft系统解析 2017-05-04

Kimpika made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #56: 黑暗系游戏的魅力 2017-05-04

Kimpika made a comment on a game: 试误法(Tribal & Error) 2017-04-22

Kimpika liked group post: [游戏][英译中]Skullgirls[筹备中] 2017-04-21

Kimpika joined group: 游戏古登堡计划 2017-04-21

Kimpika made a comment on an article: 轻松对战游戏不嫌多!Deformers明日即将上线 2017-04-21

Kimpika made a comment on an article: Paper, please开发者放出了下一款游戏的最新demo 2017-04-19

Kimpika made a comment on an article: 《奇妙探险队》官中制作始末 2017-04-18

Kimpika made a comment on a user game: 007号公寓 2017-03-01

Kimpika liked article: Replica: 指尖的抗争 2017-03-01

Kimpika made a comment on a blog: indienova 正在招聘内容编辑 2017-03-01

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