KJXX GAME has upgraded to grade: 4 2022-08-12
KJXX GAME updated the game: 动物保姆作战小队:僵尸来袭!: videos
KJXX GAME posted new topic in group: Steam - 《动物保姆作战小队:僵尸来袭!》 更新简体中文和繁体中文版 2022-05-09
KJXX GAME posted new topic in group: 广州深圳独立游戏设计 - 《动物保姆作战小队:僵尸来袭!》 更新简体中文和繁体中文版 2022-05-09
KJXX GAME posted a blog: 《动物保姆作战小队:僵尸来袭!》 更新简体中文和繁体中文版 2022-05-09
KJXX GAME updated the game: 动物保姆作战小队:僵尸来袭!: videos
KJXX GAME updated the game: 动物保姆作战小队:僵尸来袭!: detailed information
KJXX GAME released a new game: 动物保姆作战小队:僵尸来袭!
KJXX GAME made a comment on a blog: Steam上架推广杂谈和经验 2019-08-29
KJXX GAME posted a blog: 《绿绿小先生》现在正式支持14国语言啦 2019-08-21
KJXX GAME posted a blog: 《绿绿小先生》现在正式在STEAM平台发布 2019-08-10
KJXX GAME updated the game: 绿绿小先生: basic information
KJXX GAME posted a blog: Steam上架推广杂谈和经验 2019-08-05
KJXX GAME updated the game: 绿绿小先生: platforms
KJXX GAME made a comment on a user game: 《鬼畜战记:金坷垃传说》 2019-08-03
KJXX GAME posted a blog: 《绿绿小先生》支持MAC系统了,欢迎苹果用户前来试玩~ 2019-08-01
KJXX GAME posted a blog: 《绿绿小先生》更新到1.05版本 2019-07-28
KJXX GAME updated the game: 绿绿小先生: screenshots
KJXX GAME posted a blog: 《绿绿小先生》更新到1.04版本,欢迎前来试玩 2019-07-23
KJXX GAME has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-07-21
KJXX GAME updated the game: 绿绿小先生: detailed information
KJXX GAME made a comment on a blog: 独立开发者的自述:我并没有在卖惨 没有卖惨 没有卖惨 2019-07-20
KJXX GAME made a comment on a blog: 初尝独立游戏的孤独无助 2019-07-20
KJXX GAME followed: miles^away 2019-07-20
KJXX GAME posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - 现在《绿绿小先生》开放内测了,请大家踊跃参考 2019-07-20