疯zi_7 has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-10-23

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: videos 2019-06-16

疯zi_7 liked user's game: Dungeon Slayer 2019-03-24

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: basic information 2019-03-20

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: logo image 2019-03-19

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: logo image 2019-03-13

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: videos 2019-02-04

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: videos 2018-12-17

疯zi_7 liked user's game: 结发受长生 2018-12-13

疯zi_7 made a comment on a user game: 彼岸画廊 2018-09-18

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: logo image 2018-09-18

used the secret force... 2018-08-26

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: screenshots 2018-08-18

疯zi_7 liked article: 关于游戏性的思考 2018-08-11

疯zi_7 made a comment on a blog: 设计 | 随机元素适合竞技游戏吗? 2018-07-27

疯zi_7 liked user's game: 影子 2018-07-23

疯zi_7 joined group: 成都独立游戏开发 2018-07-20

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: detailed information 2018-07-19

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: videos 2018-07-10

疯zi_7 commented 寻找美术 in group: Unity 2D 开发小组 2018-02-07

疯zi_7 posted new topic in group: Unity 2D 开发小组 - 寻找美术 2018-02-07

疯zi_7 made a comment on a user game: 影子 2018-01-26

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: detailed information 2018-01-26

疯zi_7 joined group: 综合讨论组 2018-01-12

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: detailed information 2018-01-07

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: detailed information 2017-12-29

疯zi_7 posted a blog: 游戏制作总结 2017-08-03

疯zi_7 updated the game: 影子: store links 2017-06-01

疯zi_7 was verified as: 《影子》开发团队 2017-05-16

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