
Last Activity
Yesterday07-26 21:04

狐言胡言 made a comment on an article: 女孩游戏公司:在90年代制作女性向游戏 2024-05-15

狐言胡言 saved article: 《黑暗城堡》的诞生 2023-12-21

狐言胡言 liked article: 《黑暗城堡》的诞生 2023-12-21

狐言胡言 made a comment on an article: 失忆英雄:为什么我们正在放弃游戏史 2023-08-05

狐言胡言 liked user's game: Lunarium (暂名) 2023-04-14

狐言胡言 has upgraded to grade: 7 2023-04-10

狐言胡言 made a comment on an article: 灵感搅拌机 #21 2023-01-07

狐言胡言 commented on game: 翡翠帝国 - Jade Empire 2022-11-11

狐言胡言 made a comment on a blog: 捣鼓RPGMaker 2022-10-21

used the secret force... 2022-10-12

狐言胡言 saved article: 灵感搅拌机 #06 2022-09-24

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