nothK | indienova


nothK achieved: Newcomer 2018-03-18

nothK has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-03-18

nothK 's review on 完美犯罪 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2018-02-10

nothK followed: Lizard King 2017-08-12

nothK liked user blog: 《波西亚时光》Alpha 2.0预告 2017-08-03

nothK followed: patheagames 2017-07-02

nothK joined group: 综合讨论组 2016-08-15

nothK followed: liberalgate 2016-06-19

nothK made a comment on a user game: 夜市物語 2016-06-19

nothK followed: Humble Ray 2016-06-19

nothK followed: eastecho 2016-06-19

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